Thursday, November 09, 2006

HOTR on Pastimes

The Party took an iron-hard line against various degenerate entertainments and pastimes of the kind that had wasted whole generations of white youth before the revolution. Instead of skateboards, Northwest kids got Shakespeare. They had computer games in abundance, but instead of mindless destruction of bizarre alien life forms all such games required the exercise of young minds to outwit the programming through swift analysis, thought, and reaction. Instead of holographic virtual reality games and pornography that rotted the minds of American children of all races, Northwest boys and girls got virtual time travel that let them see and hear and smell everything from the hiss of the clothyard shafts at Agincourt to a day in the life of a pioneer family heading west in a Conestoga wagon, circa 1850.

--“The Hill of the Ravens”, pg 63-64

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