Thursday, July 20, 2006

ADT on Transportation Control

…Beginning with the end of World War Two, ZOG systematically destroyed America’s railroad system and infrastructure in favor of eighteen-wheeled cargo trucks that guzzled diesel fuel in huge quantities and put utterly obscene profits into the oil companies’ pockets, not to mention big bucks in the pockets if those who built and maintained the great interstate highways. By the time of the War of Independence, virtually all cargo and transportation throughout the empire was dependent on the freeway system, countless millions of tons of freight every year without which nothing could function. In the major cities, more often than not you couldn’t even get to work in the morning without getting onto a freeway. By hitting the freeway system, the NVA had the ability to bring the whole house of cards down at one fell swoop, cutting off the flow of everything from food to gasoline to garden gnomes to any given area we decided we wanted to strangle. By the end of the war we were making mass transit between the metroplexes virtually impossible unless the NVA gave its approval and got its cut. Truck drivers in the Northwest became used to stopping at gunpoint at mobile NVA checkpoints on misty back roads, submitting their vehicles to searches, and having us help ourselves to anything we needed. We always gave receipts, of course, for anything we took, promising to pay after the revolution.

--“A Distant Thunder”, pg 303

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